About Us

We are Maeven In Me
“MAVEN" means expert or connoisseur. By no means would I consider myself either, but I am relentless when it comes to researching everything and anything I am interested in learning more about. I come from a long line of very talented women that excelled in both trades and hobbies that relied on creativity and a steady hand. I have chosen to continue this legacy by taking this love for art a step further and pursuing a small business in their honor. My creative side, passion for learning new things and teaching others comes from my mother. Mother in Portuguese is spelled "MAE" so in homage to my mother - MAEven in Me was created.
Mary Lou Aniceto

I am thrilled to share with you our collection of unique and exquisite pieces, crafted with passion and attention to detail. Each piece of jewelry is carefully designed and crafted using high-quality materials, ensuring that they are not only beautiful but also durable. Whether you're looking for statement earrings to complement your outfit or a special gift for someone special, we have something for everyone. Browse our collection and discover the beauty of handmade earrings today!